No. 3041
Next issue of Keeping Up - August 22, 2012
Next issue of Keeping Up - August 22, 2012
-- 150th Anniversary of the Federal Land-Grant Act
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Four extension educators from different regions of the US shared their thoughts on critical and emerging issues for agricultural extension professionals to consider. Ask yourself which of these issues are critical to Nebraska? Continue reading…
Administration is very appreciative of the excellent educational response our faculty and staff are contributing to the drought related issues. The survey results from 96 faculty and staff provided an excellent snapshot of those educational initiatives to date. Continue reading…
IANR has a rich resource of research-based, unbiased information that can help Nebraskans manage through the drought – timely information to help ranchers, farmers, and homeowners meet this challenge. This week EdMedia worked with specialists and educators to launch Continue reading…
Extension Administration will continue to use its limited resources available for media related projects (publications, news, radio, web, and video) to support Extension Action Team priorities with an emphasis on the Signature Outcomes and to assist in maintaining essential services within EdMedia. Continue reading…
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed 12 human cases of H3N2 swine flu during the last week of July. Ten of these cases were in Ohio, 1 in Indiana and 1 in Hawaii. Nearly all of these infections occurred in people that had close contact with pigs, mostly at agricultural fairs. Continue reading…
During the 2012 Nebraska State Fair, UNL Extension Administration will be hosting two Extension faculty and staff appreciation receptions. Both will be held in the Hospitality Loft in the main Livestock Exposition Building. Light refreshments will be served. Continue reading…
It is time to nominate colleagues for UNL Extension Awards. Nominations for the awards can be made by any member of the staff and should include justification as to why the individual or team being nominated is worthy of consideration.
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Apply for the NCEA/ESP Professional Development Scholarships by October 1. The $500 scholarship may be used toward professional development, excluding the Nebraska NCEA conference. Continue reading…
Publications Available on the Web Continue reading…
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