Our faculty have given talks all over the country this quarter - see where! We now publish speaking engagements at the end of each quarter - check out the website today for the list from the past 3 months. If we missed you, we apologize! Please let us know so we can add you! Continue reading…
The most popular podcast on law librarianship any where! Guaranteed. Law Librarian Conversations, or LawLibCon, is a monthly podcast hosted by Richard Leiter and co-hosted by Marcia Dority Baker Continue reading…
The article, Trailing Nexus, by Adam Thimmesch was recently published in the Virginia Tax Review. The piece is the first to comprehensively analyze the duration of states' taxing powers and proposes a new economic-latency approach that differs substantially from the policies currently applied by states. The article can be found at 33 Va. Tax Rev. 497 (2014). Continue reading…
Brian Striman was presented a recognition award at the July 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries. The award recognizes dedication and leadership for his work as Chair of the 2013-2014 Technical Services Special Interest Section.
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Crystal Sheppard's article "Because Inquiring Minds Want to Know - Best Mode - Why is it One-Sided" was cited in the Third Edition of the widely used patent casebook "The Law of Patents." Continue reading…
With the Nebraska Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments on a constitutional challenge that will affect whether the Keystone XL pipeline moves forward, Anthony Schutz is providing news media with background information. Quoted in the Omaha World Herald, Schutz noted that the case provides an opportunity for clarification as to the scope of the Public Service Commission’s authority. Continue reading…
Jo Potuto was recently quoted in by The Chronicle of Higher Education in the article, How the Landmark O’Bannon Ruling Could Change College Sports:
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Professor Richard Moberly has co-edited a new book, The International Handbook on Whistleblowing Research. The book will be published this month by Edward Elgar Publishing. He also wrote a chapter and co-authored two other chapters for the book. Continue reading…
2011 JD alum and Executive Director of the Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications Law programs, Elsbeth Magilton, was featured in the Lincoln City Libraries Idea Place Campaign, in September. The campaign seeks to raise awareness of the city libraries and all of their varied resources. Continue reading…
Gus Hurwitz says in an interview for UNL Today that issues of broadband speed and availability are going to get more challenging for citizens and policymakers in coming years as people around the world become more deeply entwined with the Internet. Continue reading…
Marcia Dority Baker will become a regular contributor to the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Spectrum blog for 2014-2015. Her first blog titled, “We Want You! Why You Should Join Your Local Library Association,” was published on September 9, 2014.
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Kirsten Blankley publishes Lessons from Auto Racing on ADR Prof Blog. In it, Blankley provided insights in regard to conflict, mediation and psychology surrounding the recent incident in which NASCAR driver Tony Stewart was involved in a fatal on-track collision with fellow driver Kevin Ward.
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The International Institute of Space Law (IISL) Board of Directors was voted upon by Institute members in early September 2014. Advisory Board member and Adjunct Professor Dennis Burrnett was elected IISL Treasurer and Professor Frans von der Dunk was elected to an IISL Director position. Continue reading…
The idea comes to us from Prof. Tonya Kowalski of Washburn School of Law. The idea looks at the various ways to encourage students to come talk to us in our offices building better rapport with the students. It is a great read and contains some interesting ideas to implement. Continue reading…