Chat with Nichole MacDonald from the UNL MBA program in the student lounge to learn more.
Monday, December 1, 2014
11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m
Winter weather is here and Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) urges you to gather up warm clothing items to donate to the People's City Mission. Continue reading…
Midwest Public Interest Law Career Conference
Registration Deadline is Wednesday, December 3
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• Deputy County Attorney: Mental Health – Sarpy County Attorney (Papillion, NE)
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For more information, please log into your ROSCOE account and RSVP for these events by their deadline dates. Continue reading…
Sign up for Spring 2015 Mock Interviews to practice your interviewing skills before the CSO On-Campus Interviews that will begin in February 2015. Continue reading…
Twenty-five firms/organizations have already scheduled on-campus interviews through the Career Services Office. Continue reading…