College of Law Sounding Block

Wilson, Lepard participate in MLK, Jr. Day events

Professor Catherine WilsonProfessors Catherine Wilson and Brian Lepard both are playing important roles in the events planned for UNL’s recognition of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Wilson is the co-chair of UNL’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Week committee. Lepard will deliver his lecture, “Martin Luther Continue reading…


Nebraska Firm Database

Tasha EvermanIf you are interested in reaching out to firms other than those coming for On Campus Interviews, don't forget that the Career Services Office can provide you with an electronic database of Nebraska firms and legal employers. Continue reading…


Meeting of the Minds

Please join us on Friday, February 24th, 2012 at Meeting of the Minds. This annual event provides students with the opportunity to socialize with fellow students and the faculty. The event will take place at the Wick Alumni Center from 8:00 until 11:00 p.m. and the dress code is business casual. Continue reading…


Representation in Mediation Competition

It’s that time of year again! Time to start thinking about the Representation in Mediation Competition! This competition involves pairs of students role-playing as attorneys and clients in the mediation setting, using problem-solving skills to resolve cases.

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If not OCI, Then How?

Most firms who come to conduct On Campus Interviews have strict hiring standards. If you did not do as well as you had hoped you may be wondering how to go about identifying summer employment opportunities. On February 7th, the CSO will host a program outlining strategies for moving forward.

Originally published January 16, 2012 - Submit an Item