Join us on November 5 at 3:30 pm for an online version of DH Afternoons, a forum dedicated to supporting, exploring, and celebrating the digital humanities work done at Nebraska. Our presenters for this session are Veronica N. Duran, a doctoral candidate in History, who will give a talk called “Nues Continue reading…
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Check out this new guide highlighting the Libraries new online resources (databases, e-journals, streaming media, and ebooks). The guide also offers links to resources under consideration for purchase – called trials. We have made them available to you for a short-term basis for review and feedback. Continue reading…
Melissa Gomis, associate professor of practice, started in her position on June 1 as the Teaching and Learning Librarian with the responsibility of working with instructional Continue reading…
David Macaulay, assistant professor, started on August 3, as the electronic resources librarian, dealing with the complexities involved in acquiring and managing online material such as databases, electronic journals, and e-book packages. He collaborates closely on negotiating licenses, making sure Continue reading…