The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Energy Storage Internship Program offers 10-week, hands-on, practical summer internships at U.S. National Laboratories. Deadline: January 27, 2023 4:00 PM CST Continue reading…
On Thursday, January 26th at 5 pm in 351 Avery Hall, the Math Club will host an Information Session on Research Opportunities for Undergraduates at UNL - UCARE. A panel of students will share their experiences. Pizza and soda provided! Continue reading…
This week, I want to give you an early welcome to the Spring 2023 semester and talk about the new Student Success Hub. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math will be held on January 20-22 in Lincoln at the Embassy Suites (next to campus). This is a celebrated UNL tradition, now at its 25th anniversary, and a great opportunity to hear from three famous invited speakers. Continue reading…
Pi Mu Epsilon is an honorary mathematics society that invites students to become members regardless of major. Applications for Spring 2023 are now open. The application deadline has been extended to Friday, February 10, 2023. Continue reading…
Have you ever wished you could study a specific topic in mathematics, but cannot find a course that does so? The Directed Reading Program, henceforth DRP, is the perfect opportunity to do so! The DRP is currently accepting applications for Spring 2023! Click here for more information! Continue reading…
Wednesday, January 18 - Last day to withdraw from one or more courses (Pre-Session)
Monday, January 23 - Spring 2023 Regular Academic Session Begins and Late Registration begins Continue reading…
The UCARE program offers a $2,400 stipend as well as the opportunity to engage in world-class professional development under a faculty mentor on a research or creative project. Applications are due by February 15, 2023! Continue reading…
On February 24-25, 2023, the Central States Math Undergraduate Research will take place at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. The featured speakers will Moira Chas of Stony Brook University and Kyndra Middleton of Howard University. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The 2023-2024 Scholarship Application for Current Undergraduate Students is available now in MyRED! The application deadline is February 1, 2023! This application covers University-wide and College-wide scholarships as well as some department scholarships. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Department of Mathematics has shirts for sale through February 3rd, including a new hoodie. Order at Orders can be picked up in 203 Avery Hall, around February 20th, or the order can be shipped to you directly. Continue reading…
Applications are open for the 2023 Natural History Research Experiences (NHRE)— a 10-week paid summer internship program for undergraduates. NHRE 2023 will take place from May 30th through August 4th and application deadline is February 1st, 2023. Continue reading…
On Jan 3, 2023, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln will begin using a new online platform for advising scheduling. On the page, the MyPlan tile will be replaced with a Student Success Hub tile, which can be used to log in to the new system. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Alumni Association is proud to honor promising students with five awards and scholarships each year. Applications for student awards are accepted until February 11th. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) has two scholarship opportunities for undergraduate women studying in the sciences recognized by the National Science Foundation. Click here for more information about the two scholarship and apply by February 28th! Continue reading…
Geoff Lorenz, political science, will continue the 2022-23 College of Arts and Sciences Inquire lecture series with “Making polarization work for you: a politician's survival guide” at 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 24 in the Union Auditorium and via Zoom. Continue reading…
More details at:
In Spring 2023, Professor Diana Pilson plans to offer a 4-session series that will introduce students to the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program and help these students begin to prepare applications that are due in the fall. The 4th Meeting is Thursday, March 2rd at 5 pm Continue reading…
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Application deadlines vary by program, but February 1st is a common date! Continue reading…
The University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering (CLASP) is currently seeking a highly motivated, diverse, and inclusive cohort of undergraduate students to participate in its REU site program entitled: Program in Climate and Space Science Observation (PICASSO). Continue reading…
The EDGE Summer Program is seeking applications for the Summer 2023 (June 4 – July 1)! They encourage all women entering math PhD programs in fall 2023 to consider this transformative experience. Applications are due February 15, 2023. Continue reading…
Lincoln Literacy is looking for two Math tutors for their Basic Math class and their GED Math class. These classes have already begun and will continue until mid-May. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The Southeast Community College Tutoring & Learning Center is looking for Math and Science tutors for both in-person and online tutoring sessions. They are interested in any students who have earned a B or higher in their Math and/or Science courses. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
Click here to see a request from researchers at West Virginia University to complete a survey that is part of their research in the undergraduate students know about the Mathematics Graduate School Application Process. Continue reading…
Registration is open for the inaugural Nebraska Women in STEM Conference. The conference, themed “Nebraska Women: Strive Thrive Empower Mentor,” will be held Thursday, March 23, 2023, at Graduate Hotel in Lincoln and will feature engineer and STEM communicator Emily Calandrelli. Continue reading…
Registration is open to the 48th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (NYSRGMC). Each year since its inception in 1974, this conference has been run and organized exclusively by mathematics graduate students of Syracuse University. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
Trina, Allison, Sai, and Meagan can help you explore career options, identify ways to build experience, and prepare to apply for internships, jobs, or graduate school, including help with resumes, applications, and interviewing. Click here for a calendar of career events as well! Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Mathematics majors. Continue reading…
Your faculty partner, Prof. Xavier Pérez Giménez (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help if you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as as student. Click here for scheduling details! Continue reading…
Dr. Buller and Dr. Young are leading an education abroad course experience in Iceland on May 31 to June 12. There are several information sessions coming up on city campus, on east campus, and on zoom. Click here to learn more about the program and the information sessions! Continue reading…