Math & Data Science Undergraduate News

STEAM Academy Instructor Opportunity

STEAM Academy Instructor OpportunityLincoln Parks & Recreation is looking for STEAM Academy Instructors at the Calvert Recreation Center, and they specifically need a leader for their Robotics Club. If you enjoy working with children and need a job outside of school hours, this could be a great opportunity. Apply as soon as possible! Continue reading…


Brooke Owens Fellowship

Brooke Owens FellowshipInterested in a career in aerospace? The Brooke Owens Fellowship provides paid internships and executive mentorship to women and gender minorities in the aerospace industry. Fellows have interned at over 30 host companies such as SpaceX, Blue Origin and Lockheed Martin. Apply by October 7th! Continue reading…


Intelligence Community Scholars

Intelligence Community ScholarsThe Intelligence Community Scholars program is an Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence career preparation program educating students in intelligence, analytic techniques, briefings and writing, and the US National Security Establishment. Apply by September 7th! Continue reading…


Math Club Event: Morgen Bills

UNL Math ClubThursday, August 31st at 5 pm in 351 Avery Hall
Morgen Bills will present, "Zero Divisors, Matrices, and Perfect Matchings." This will be an introduction to zero divisors particularly in matrices. Continue reading…


Academic Calendar

Academic CalendarFriday, September 1st - Last day to file a drop to remove a full semester course from student’s record

Monday, September 4th - Labor Day (Student and Staff Holiday-UNL offices closed) Continue reading…


Math Undergraduate Lounge for Fall 2023

Math Undergraduate Lounge (18 Avery Hall)The Math Undergraduate Lounge in Avery Hall Room 18 is open to all undergraduate Math and Data Science majors by using your NCard. NCard access to should be enabled soon for you to get into the space. The Math Undergraduate Lounge is your space to use as you choose. Continue reading…


2023 Youth Climate Summit, September 22nd

2023 Youth Climate Summit, September 22ndThe 5th Youth Climate Summit will be held at the East Campus Union in the Great Plains Room, 2nd floor, Friday, September 22, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. There is no registration fee for this event, but all attendees need to register in advance. Click here for registration information! Continue reading…


William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security Fellowship

William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security FellowshipThe William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security Fellowship provides up to $84,000 in academic funding over two years, two summer practicums, professional development, and mentorship. The application for the 2024 cohort of the Clarke DS Fellowship is open July 18, 2023, through October 1, 2023. Continue reading…


Community Energy Fellowship Program

Community Energy Fellowship ProgramThe Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program is a $550 million formula- and competitive-grant program. Embedding Fellows in communities around the country can bring new perspectives and skills into local governments and tribes as part of the EECBG program. Continue reading…


College of Arts and Sciences Career Coaching

Career CoachingTrina, Allison, Sai, and Meagan can help you explore career options, identify ways to build experience, and prepare to apply for internships, jobs, or graduate school, including help with resumes, applications, and interviewing. Click here for a calendar of career events as well! Continue reading…

Originally published August 29, 2023 - Submit an Item