Advising Updates
This week, we are going to discuss the two week Pre-Session for the Spring 2022 semester scheduled for January. Continue reading…
This week, we are going to discuss the two week Pre-Session for the Spring 2022 semester scheduled for January. Continue reading…
“Nebraska Nightly,” a new live newscast from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, aired its first episode Nov. 5 with 2 Meteorology-Climatology students serving as Meteorologists! Continue reading…
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 to Sunday, January 9, 2022 - Open Registration for Spring Semester 2022
Wednesday, November 24 - Student Holiday (UNL offices open)
Join in the university’s 2021 International Education Week celebrations with more than 80 virtual and in-person events to celebrate global opportunities and international diversity from Nov. 1 to 24. Continue reading…
Mortar Board is the University of Nebraska’s only national senior honor society and is an association of collegians selected for distinguished ability in Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. Juniors are invited to apply for membership in UNL's the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board by January 21! Continue reading…
Want to make an immediate impact this school year? Teach For America is excited to launch the paid IGNITE Fellowship. Join an information session to learn more on Tuesday, November 16th at 5 PM CST.
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ARCOM Capital is a Connecticut-based commodity hedge fund that specializes in natural gas futures. The firm seeks to add an analyst who will focus on developing and improving existing infrastructure that automates the analysis, presentation, and aggregation of energy data. Continue reading…
For the first time in a while, Professor Hu is going to teach the METR 483: Global Climate Change course on MWF at 9:30-10:20 am in 109 Bessey. The prerequisites for this course are junior standing and METR 205 (or permission), which is an update from those listed on the Undergraduate Catalog. Continue reading…
In LIBR 110: Information & Your Life, we will explore how to find, access, evaluate, and use information, and how the information systems we use are influenced by a variety of forces that shape the creation of information and our use of it. Continue reading…
Caltech is now accepting applications for our WAVE Fellows undergraduate research program, which provides support for undergraduate students, who are underrepresented in STEM and intend on pursuing a Ph.D., to conduct a 10-week summer research project under mentorship of Caltech faculty. Continue reading…
Applications are currently being accepted for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Summer 2022 Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships program. The application deadline is January 12, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. CST. Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Meteorology-Climatology majors. Continue reading…
Your faculty partner, Prof. Dawn Kopacz (, and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (, are here to help if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student. Click here for scheduling details! Continue reading…
Santa Clara University’s NSF Noyce grant seeks to attract a variety of qualified STEM majors who are dedicated to using education as a tool for social justice and to become middle or high school mathematics teachers in racially, ethnically, linguistically, and economically diverse schools. Continue reading…
Innocents Senior Honor Society will be accepting applications from current juniors graduating no earlier than May 2023 until January 21, 2022. Continue reading…
Computational and Information Systems Lab at NCAR/UCAR is pleased to announce that they are now accepting applications for the 2022 Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science. The application deadline for the 2022 SIParCS program is January 10, 2022 at 4 pm MT. Continue reading…
The Phi Beta Kappa Society invites scholarship applications from well-rounded arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences students. The Society will accept applications through January 23, 2022. Continue reading…
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