We would love for you to join us this Saturday (Oct. 12) for a joint AMS and SEAS social at Skinny Bones Pumpkin Patch. We will carpool from Bessey at 5:00pm (if you want to drive yourself, meet us there around 6:00). Tickets are $24.95 and all inclusive. Click here for more information about this! Continue reading…
This week, I want to discuss finding academic information and instructions for enrolling classes. Continue reading…
TODAY, the department will host a small team of reviewers from UNL and other universities who will be evaluating our academic programs, both undergraduate and graduate. The team would like to meet with groups of undergraduate students and graduate students. Click here to learn more about this! Continue reading…
On Thursday, October 3rd, a group of EAS alumni will hold a Career Workshop in Bessey Hall. A light dinner will be served from 5:00 to 6:00pm, followed by breakout sessions with our Alumni board members. This event is free to attend! Click here to learn more! Continue reading…
Friday, October 18th - Last day to change a full semester course registration to or from “Pass/No Pass”
Monday, October 28th to Tuesday, November 12th - Priority Registration for Spring Semester 2025 Continue reading…
The Meteorology-Climatology Journal Club will be having its first meeting on Monday, October 7th at 3:30 pm in 105 Bessey Hall. Click here for more information about the journal articles that will be discussed on Monday! Continue reading…
Husker Pantry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln supports students facing food and hygiene insecurity. Open to all enrolled students, it offers non-perishable food and hygiene products through a simple online ordering system. Community contributions keep the pantry functioning. Continue reading…
More details at: https://pantry.unl.edu/
Anne Duncan, classics and religious studies, will give the talk "Reconciliation and Homer's Iliad" on Oct. 8 at 5:00 p.m. in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, Ubuntu Room/202. The event is free and open to the public and will be livestreamed on Zoom. Continue reading…
More details at: https://cas.unl.edu/cas-inquire
Connect with a CAS career coach to explore your career options, identify ways to gain experience, and prepare to apply for internships, jobs, or graduate schools. We can help with resumes, application materials, interviewing, and more. Click here for all the details you need to get connected! Continue reading…
Are you an undergraduate student or recent graduate who is ready to use your major in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) field or science policy to help make a difference in the world? Then the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) is for you! Apply by October 2nd! Continue reading…
DEVELOP addresses environmental and public policy issues through interdisciplinary research projects that apply the lens of NASA Earth observations to community concerns around the globe. Applications for Spring 2025 participants are due by October 4th! Continue reading…
Interested in a career in aerospace? The Brooke Owens Fellowship provides paid internships (in engineering, business, journalism, communications, and more) and executive mentorship to women and gender minorities in the aerospace industry. The application is currently open until October 7th! Continue reading…
The purpose of the NSF GRFP is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. A goal of the program is to broaden participation of the full spectrum of diverse talents in STEM. Click here to learn more about updated deadlines! Continue reading…
The internNE, Powered by Aksarben initiative, is a collaborative effort between the Aksarben Foundation and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. The program aims to connect students and employers statewide. Click here to learn how it works! Continue reading…
Each year the U.S. Navy offers summer internships through the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program. This 10 week paid internship provides opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research, under the guidance of a mentor, at participating Navy laboratories. Apply by November 1st! Continue reading…
HS-POWER is open to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in a broad spectrum of homeland security related STEM disciplines as well as DHS mission-relevant research areas which includes social sciences. Apply by December 15th! Click here to learn more! Continue reading…
The Global Experiences Offices (GEO) has lots of ways to help you gather information to help you make your decision about where and when to studying abroad. Click here for all the details! Continue reading…
We are excited to invite you to explore the new Undergraduate Research & Fellowships (URAF) website and to review updates about upcoming events and opportunity deadlines! Click here for much more information! Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Meteorology-Climatology majors. Continue reading…
Your faculty partner, Prof. Dawn Kopacz (dawn.kopacz@unl.edu), and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (dpellatz@unl.edu), are here to help if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student. Click here for scheduling details! Continue reading…