Micro Zone - CASNR

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World Microbe Forum 2021

Recognizing that microbial sciences, just like microbes, know no borders, the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) have come together to launch a new initiative -- the World Microbe Forum, taking place online from 20-24 June 2021.

If you are conducting Undergraduate Research, considering speaking with your Research Mentor about supporting your registration fees to this event. If you are unable to attend the forum this year and are graduating, ASM conferences provide job opportunities as well as interviews and career networking.
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More details at: http://WorldMicrobeForum.org

UNL Research Lab Job Position

The Alfano research group is seeking a motivated undergraduate to assist with research into the molecular mechanisms of disease and the plant immune system. The position would entail 20-40 hours of work per week in a laboratory in city campus' Beadle Center during the summer semester, and 10-40 hours of work per week in the laboratory during the fall and spring semesters. The position pays $12 an hour, though it is also possible to substitute some hourly wages for credit hours (as MBIO 498) towards a degree if desired. The position would firstly focus on lab maintenance and daily tasks, with the opportunity to progress to guided experimentation and eventually independent research at the student's desired pace. Previous undergraduates have designed and conducted experiments and served as a middle-author on a research publication within the first year.

Preference will be given to undergraduates who can begin work immediately. If you are interested, please email Samuel Eastman at eastman.samuel@huskers.unl.edu.

Samuel Eastman
Graduate Research Assistant, Alfano Research Group
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Beadle Center N312

More details at: http://microbiology.unl.edu
Originally published June 7, 2021 - Submit an Item