Below you will find a link for the dates and times that food microbiologist Dr. Hutkins is available to give us a tour of his lab during the last week of October. Look at your schedules and fill out the poll so we can select a date and time to go! Dr. Hutkins says if we have time, we may get to sample some of the foods he made in his lab!
Please join us for the inaugural Microbiology Achievement through
Research and Valuable Experiential Learning (MARVEL) Workshop
on October 22nd, 3:00pm-5:00pm in the Heritage Room in the Union.
The workshop is free, limited to 50 participants, and open to all
Microbiology-affiliated faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate
Marybeth is an Academic Advisor
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-Noon and 1:30 – 4 p.m.
30 minute appointments.
Both Zoom
In person meetings – Nebraska East Union 331P
A new Plant Path Minor will be introduced in the catalog Fall Semester of 2021 - 2022. Continue reading for further details or see your MBio Advisor Marybeth or Kaitlin for more information.
This pilot program will target freshman and sophomore students attending our academic affiliates across Nebraska. The programs plans to make 20 awards at $1,500 each. The goal of the awards is to expose students to NASA careers and fields of study who may have always been interested in or passionate about NASA and space, but never knew how to get started. Contact your advisor if you need assistance identifying a mentor. Continue reading…