NebraskaSCIENCE News for August 2023

Mohammad Ghashami (left), assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, speaks with LPS teachers at Morrill Hall. Scott Schrage | University Communication and Marketing
Mohammad Ghashami (left), assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, speaks with LPS teachers at Morrill Hall. Scott Schrage | University Communication and Marketing

Husker faculty share research with LPS teachers to bolster science ed

Husker researchers gathered Aug. 9 in Morrill Hall to share their latest work with 150-plus LPS science teachers who, in turn, will leverage the lessons to better educate and prepare the students streaming back to their classrooms. Continue reading…


CSMCE hires new faculty member

Amy Been BennettAfter three years as the Marilyn M. Hitz postdoctoral research associate in the Nebraska Department of Mathematics, Amy Been Bennett has been hired as a new assistant professor of STEM education in the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education. Continue reading…

Originally published August 15, 2023 - Submit an Item