OLLI news you can use

The Nebraska Lectures

The Nebraska LecturesThe 2019 Nebraska Lectures: Chancellor's Distinguished Speaker Series continues September 10 with a talk by Daniel Claes, professor and chair of physics and astronomy. "Physics at Nebraska: DeWitt Bristol Brace and Einstein" is at 3:30 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center, 1520 R St.

More details at: https://research.unl.edu/nebraskalectures/

Pacifica Quartet is season opener for Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music

Pacifica QuartetThe Pacifica Quartet has achieved international recognition as one of the finest chamber ensembles performing today. The Quartet will preform on Saturday, Sept 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Johnny Carson Theater, 12th & R Sts. OLLI members receive two for one tickets at the door the night of the concert.

Originally published September 6, 2019 - Submit an Item