As the academic year inches closer, many Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) are asking how to safely plan an in-person event for the fall semester. Student Involvement offers some quick guidelines to help you get started.
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Events over 50 in person attendees must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs through the University event approval process. Continue reading…
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RSOs are expected to keep track of attendance at all in person events in the Fall 2020, regardless of size of the event. NvolveU provides an easy to use option for RSOs. These attendance lists may be requested at any time by UNL staff or the county. Continue reading…
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Club Fair and East Campus Welcome registration is now open! Registration closes on August 14. Continue reading…
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Every student should complete the university’s COVID-19 Student Training. This 40-minute online training will help you understand COVID-19 terminology and symptoms, know what know to do if you feel ill and learn how to prevent the spread of infection.
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