RSO Summer To Do List
Here’s your checklist to keep your RSO HOT all summer long!
1. Register for SLICE Big Red Welcome Events
• Party at the Union- Saturday, August 19, 2023
• Club Fair- Wednesday, August 23, 2023
• East Campus Welcome- Thursday, August 23, 2023
These events are perfect for showcasing your RSO and recruiting new Huskers!
Registration for all three events is now open and can be completed here:
Reservations are available on a first-come, first-served basis with the priority deadline of Friday, July 14, 2023.
2. Register for BRW Street Fair
Big Red Welcome Street Fair registration is now open!
Want to engage with thousands of students who are eager to get involved? Register your RSO for the Big Red Welcome Street Festival on Sunday, August 20th. Hundreds of vendors will be present, providing music, free food, involvement opportunities, giveaways, and prizes—an event you don’t want to miss! Register for a booth(s) now here!.
3. Register your large-scale, signature events!
This summer, SLICE will be working with campus partners to map out the 2023-2024 academic year and large-scale/signature events hosted by RSOs. If your RSO holds or plans to hold an annual event or new event that matches the following criteria, you will need to submit it here:
• Hosts over 100 people, and
• Might be held on-campus (fraternity/sorority houses do not apply), and
• May require (multiple) contracts, and
• May require any of the following: UNL Reservations (including Union spaces), UNL Risk Management, UNL Youth Safety, UNL Animal Safety
Our hope is to better assist RSOs with the planning and implementation of large-scale events. Examples of previously occurring events that would qualify for this form are:
• Annual Powwow
• Big Red Beef Show
• Cornhusker College Rodeo
• Earthstock Music Festival
• Hello Vietnam
• Homerathon
• HuskerThon
• Rwanda Night
• SigEp Street Fair
• The Big Event
• Western Equestrian Team Show
Please click here to submit the: RSO Large-Scale Event Planning Form. This form is due by Friday, June 30th for priority consideration for 2023-2024 events. If you are unsure if your event qualifies, please complete the form regardless and we will let you know.
4. Keep Your RSO in Compliance
Don’t let your RSO fall out of compliance over the summer! RSOs must remain in compliance to participate in Big Red Welcome Events. We know that many Fall RSOs are actively completing Annual Orientation and Re-Registration. Please note that the due date for Fall RSOs to complete these is Friday, June 30th, 2023.
5. Keep Your NvolveU Portal and Social Media Active
New Student Enrollment takes place all summer! New AND returning Huskers will be looking for ways to get involved. They will be looking for information about your RSO on NvolveU and your social media platforms. DO NOT let these go dormant over the summer.
• A good NvolveU portal will have contact information, links to social media, and images.
• A good social media page will have tons of recent, relevant images. Remember, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Less text, more pictures!
• Social media is not just about informing, it’s about creating a connection. Prospective members want to relate to something!
If you’d like your RSO to have a NvolveU/Social Media review, please submit information here: RSO Media Review. Use of this service will be used in consideration for the "Commitment to Recruitment" Award for the 2024 Student Impact Awards.
6. Participate in RSO feedback sessions
This summer, SLICE will be conducting RSO feedback sessions to help us improve the RSO experience for Fall 2023. Be on the lookout for more information to come!
7. Check in with your advisors!
Check in with your RSO’s advisors to update them with any summer/early fall plans. Advisors have a great deal of experience in helping direct RSOs. Many of our advisors share that advising is one of the most rewarding aspects of their professional lives. They want to hear from you!
8. Rest, relax and repeat!
RSO management and oversight takes a lot of work. Make sure you, your executive/leadership teams, and your members are taking the summer to re-energize and refuel. Fall will be here before you know it!