The RSO Glow Big Red Campaign Kicks Off Today!
Glow Big Red is a 24-hour day of giving to UNL to raise money for scholarships, colleges, programs, student organizations, inclusion, mental health and much more. The giving day starts at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 14, and continues through noon on Thursday, Feb. 15.
RSOs, Sport Clubs, and our fraternity and sorority chapters can all participate in this campaign and raise funds for your specific organization.
This year, SLICE will be helping our student organizations by supporting a campaign to encourage each RSO to participate in Glow Big Red!
During the next few weeks, we will be collecting stories, promoting organizations, sending out media content, and sponsoring over $5000 in contests and challenges all that can go back to your organization.
Here’s how to sign up:
• Check here to see if your organization is already signed up! All active RSOs, fraternity and sorority chapters, and sports clubs that participated last year have automatically been registered!
• If your organization isn’t registered, you can easily sign up here!
What’s next?:
• The University of Nebraska Foundation will be in touch with additional instructions on how to fundraise, reach out to prospective donors, and general logistics.
• Throughout the next few weeks, look out for communication from SLICE on opportunities to share your organization’s story! Each officer that participates will receive a small prize and will be entered into a drawing to win $$$ for their organization.
• All organizations that have signed up by the start of the 2024 Nvolvement Fair will also be entered into a raffle to win money for their organization!
• You’ll receive marketing materials for your social channels, emails, etc.
Last year, over 100 RSOs participated and raised tens of thousands of dollars for their organizations! Click this link to read about last year’s campaign and the impact it had on student organizations as well as the greater UNL community!