Come check out the Nebraska Vs Michigan game, while you get a chance to eat, win prices, and participate in fun activities during half time. visit http://besomebodyblog.com for more info.
Come check out the Nebraska Vs Michigan game, while you get a chance to eat, win prices, and participate in fun activities during half time. visit http://besomebodyblog.com for more info.
Come enjoy a Day of the Dead celebration at the Sheldon during first friday! Enjoy Mariachi, face painting, traditional food/drink, and alters honoring loved ones who have passed away.
“Man Up: Cracking the Code of Modern Manhood” with Carlos Andrés Gómez on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:30pm in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. This event will be free for UNL students, faculty, staff and the public. Continue reading…
Ever felt that job searching is too confusing or frustrating, especially as international students? Join us and learn about some of the ways to better prepare yourselves and receive tips for success! Panel of employers include Cabela's, Primerica, UNL Career Services and Accounting Department.
Subway is generously giving RSOs free food for working meetings and/or events. The previous email address was incorrect, but has been updated for this newsletter. Continue reading…
SORC, or the Student Organization Resource Council, is an ASUN sponsored event that will be held on November 6, 2013 in the Centennial Room at the Nebraska City Campus Union at 6:30 pm. SORC will cover topics such as marketing and advertising, leadership skills, member retention, and many more. Continue reading…
Want to be a model in the Daily Nebraskan Fashion Show? We are looking for men and women of all sizes to model vendors from around Lincoln on February 19, 2014 in the Union Ballroom. Email dnfashionshow@gmail.com or find us on Facebook to model. Continue reading…
The Black Party is a scholarship fundraiser hosted by the Afrikan People's Union, held at Rich Bar & Lounge on Saturday, 11/9, 9pm-2am. Formal dress is required; guests are asked to wear majority black. Club atmosphere w/ DJ. 18+ only. Contact Greg at gregoryk.wilson92@gmail.com
The CBA Student Advisory Board is currently accepting applications for new members! Applications are due 11/6. Contact CBAstudentadvisoryboard@gmail.com for an application or if you have any questions. Continue reading…
HRTM students are hosting Mocktail Masterpiece, a night of painting a 12x16 masterpiece, and enjoying mocktails and appetizers. Perfect for a date night or girls night out! Tickets are now on sale for $10. Continue reading…
UNL educational psychologist Susan Swearer will present the fall Nebraska Lecture, “Creating a Kinder World: Empowering Youth to End Bullying,” Nov. 7 at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union auditorium, Swearer will discuss her research underlying bullying. Continue reading…
Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma present the third annual Letters to the Troops! November 11th and 12th from 11-1pm we will have a table in the alcove in the Nebraska City Union for you to stop by and create a card to send to our troops serving overseas, just in time for the Holiday season! Continue reading…
"The Power of Optimal Control: From Confining Rabies to Improving CPR" by Professor Suzanne Lenhart (University of Tennessee). The presentation will be in Avery 115, 4-5 pm on Nov 1st. The Pi Mu Epsilon series annually features expository lectures for undergraduates on mathematics and applications.
The Honors Program Student Advisory Board is now accepting applications! Continue reading…
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/65gaRecent Newsletters