Interested in studying abroad and wondering where to start? The Global Experiences office offers many workshops including Huskers Abroad 101 and Study Abroad Speed Dating. They will also help you with your Gilman Scholarship application. Continue reading…
Starting Feb 7, Kristin will be out for several weeks. During Kristin’s absence, you can see Tony Lazarowicz, Amy Beyer, or Christina Fielder for advising. You can find their scheduling links in SSH or here, You will receive communication once Kristin is back!
Meet senior global studies major Kayleigh Casey who spent 6 months in Germany improving her German while also interning at a literary agency. She's hoping to teach English abroad after graduation and keep exploring the world. Continue reading…
UNL's Peace Corps Prep Program, School of Global Integrative Studies and the Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs have joined to screen "A Towering Task: The Story of Peace Corps". Refreshments will be served and we'll have time for questions. Thur. 2/29 at 5PM in Union. Continue reading…
Want to spend your fall semester interning in Japan? This unique internship provides students with an opportunity to live and work in Japan while earning credit. Applications due March 15th. Continue reading…
Protecting Victims in War: The Red Cross and the Evolution of Neutral Assistance, Feb. 28: Join us on February 28 at 11:30 in the University Suites Multipurpose Room for pizza and conversation. Continue reading…
Student Research Days poster sessions will be held March 26-27 this year. Graduate and undergraduate students will be able to present their research or creative work at poster sessions each day. All students are welcome to present and this is a great opportunity for them to share their research. Continue reading…
Participate in an online exchange with students from Yemen. Learn about each other's cultures and produce a podcast related to shared challenges and opportunities. No podcasting experience is necessary, just a willingness to learn. Continue reading…