Priority registration has begun. Make sure you have met with your advisor to determine the courses you need to take during spring 2016. You can set up an appointment with Emira Ibrahimpasic (GLST Advisor) via MyPlan in Blackboard.
Meet Mark Newcomer, Global Studies major and a German and National Security Studies minor. Mark is a junior and from Omaha with aspirations to commission as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army and hope to be stationed in Germany or Hawaii as an engineering or military intelligence. Continue reading…
Completing your Global Studies internship with PIESL will provide you with extensive opportunities to interact and work with individuals who come to us from all over the world. Continue reading…
The Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs is proud to welcome one of our distinguished alums, Mutuma Ruteere, who will speak on November 5 at 7pm in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center’s Unity Room. Continue reading…
CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty.
We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. Continue reading…
Lunch for Global Studies majors and minors to share and talk about study abroad experiences. Returnee students will share tips, knowledge, and useful things to know as you prepare to study abroad. 12/2/15 at Nebraska Union Georgian B Room. RSVP
The Undergraduate Creative Activity and Research Experience (UCARE) program supports undergraduate work with faculty members engaged in research and creative activities at UNL. Continue reading…
Join us for a week long visit to the land of Belize during spring break 2015. Learn from local experts on various topics, ranging from Mayan history and culture to the role of NGOs and community based organizations. Explore Mayan ruins and intricate cave systems in Belize City and San Ignacio. Continue reading…
Study Abroad Trip: India: India: Globalization, Development, and Leadership
Join us for a 3-week faculty-led study abroad program through India. Through this program, students will get an opportunity to learn about the historical, political, economic and cultural changes that are transforming India into one of the major world economic and political forces. Continue reading…