You're past the half way point in semester. This means two things: 1) it's almost winter break, and 2) you only have 7 weeks to make the most of the semester. So consider doing the following: a) going to an event, b) joining a club, c) meet with your advisor, and d) volunteer at a local community.
Meet Mauree Schroeder, sophomore Global Studies major and Japanese minor from Omaha. Mauree plans to teach English someday and has already traveled quite a bit of the world including visiting Zhujiajiao, China's own Venice, a rustic river city through which one can travel by boat. Continue reading…
Join us for the final Global Cafe of the semester. A Recruiter will talk about different opportunities with the Peace Corps. Thursday, October 29 at 3:30PM in Nebraska Union Colonial B. Coffee and brownies served. See you soon!
Lunch for Global Studies majors and minors to share and talk about study abroad experiences. Returnee students will share tips, knowledge, and useful things to know as you prepare to study abroad. 12/2/15 at Nebraska Union Georgian B Room. RSVP
The Rangel Graduate Fellowship Program provides benefits of up to $95,000 over two years toward a two-year master's degree, arranges internships on Capitol Hill and at U.S. embassies, and provides mentorship and professional development support. Continue reading…
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate students. The goal of CLS is broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships. Applications due Nov. 23. Continue reading…
Join us for a 3-week faculty-led study abroad program through India. Through this program, students will get an opportunity to learn about the historical, political, economic and cultural changes that are transforming India into one of the major world economic and political forces. Continue reading…
Join us for a week long visit to the land of Belize during spring break 2015. Learn from local experts on various topics, ranging from Mayan history and culture to the role of NGOs and community based organizations. Explore Mayan ruins and intricate cave systems in Belize City and San Ignacio. Continue reading…