UNL Global Studies

Week 12: Stay Positive
Week 12: Stay Positive

Week 12: Stay Positive

Hopefully you have adjusted well to being back in classes. Make sure you are keeping a track of assignments, exams, quizzes or papers remaining. Talk to your professors, join a study group, organize your time. Don't forget that only 4 weeks remain until finals.



STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Milla HeikkinenMeet Milla Heikkinen from Lincoln, NE. Milla spent a year in Helsinki taking classes across disciplines. Milla's advice to freshmen is that it is okay to try out different classes outside of their major until they find their niche. Post graduation Milla plans to pursue a Master’s in Development. Continue reading…

Current Issues in International Development
Current Issues in International Development

Current Issues in International Development

Listen and speak with Meredith Kos, International Development Professional, about some of the pressing issues in the field of development. This talk will also touch on career opportunities in this field and the ways in which students can pursue work and internship experiences in this direction. Continue reading…

Global Cafe: Careers in International Development
Global Cafe: Careers in International Development

Global Cafe: Careers in International Development

Listen and speak with Meredith Kos, International Development Professional, about career opportunities in the field of international development. She will share some suggestions and strategies on how students can pursue work and internship experiences in this direction. Monday, 4/18 at 5:30PM. Continue reading…


Green UNL: Earthstock Events

Green UNL: Earthstock EventsThursday, April 7, 7pm: Screening of the documentary Merchants of Doubt at the Mary Ripema Ross theater.

Friday, April 8, 5pm: Policy for the Plains Political forum at the Nebraska Union Auditorium, featuring panelists Senator Ken Haar, Senator Adam Morfeld, and Bold Nebraska found Jane Kleeb.
Continue reading…

GLST 101: Windows to the World
GLST 101: Windows to the World

GLST 101: Windows to the World

Looking for a fun class to take this fall? GLST/MODL 101 will take you around the world in 5 weeks and will give you the passport to many different languages, literatures, and cultures at once. It will cover countries in Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Continue reading…

RUSS 101: Beginning Russian I
RUSS 101: Beginning Russian I

RUSS 101: Beginning Russian I

RUSS 101 | Fall 2016 | Sec. 001 M-F 9:30AM-10:20AM and Sec. 002 M-F 12:30PM-1:30PM | 5 credits

Main emphasis of the course is on the development of comprehension of written and spoken Russian; reading of simple texts; oral and aural drill supplemented by practice in language laboratory. Continue reading…

Originally published April 4, 2016 - Submit an Item