Hopefully you have adjusted well to being back in classes. Make sure you are keeping a track of assignments, exams, quizzes or papers remaining. Talk to your professors, join a study group, organize your time. Don't forget that only 4 weeks remain until finals.
Meet Samantha Staggs, Global Studies and German major from Sutherland, NE. Samantha is currently on her second semester abroad in Amsterdam taking classes on political usage of language in news media, the European Union and is learning Dutch language. Continue reading…
Join us for our first annual End of the Year Party during which we celebrate our students' accomplishments, honor our graduates, and spend time together as a community.
Wednesday, April 26 | 2PM-4PM | Nebraska Union Colonial A
All UNL students, staff, and faculty welcome. Continue reading…
Join the UNL Russian and Czech clubs for their event on Monday April 3rd, 5-7PM! Hana Waisserova and Olha Tytarenko will be giving a master class on many awesome ways to decorate Easter Eggs! Don't miss it! Continue reading…