Time is here, make sure you're getting plenty of rest, talking to your professors and putting in the necessary time to be successful. Don't forget that you are nearly there and your success is in your control.
Meet Tyler Matson, triple major in global studies, Political Science and Russian from Springfield, NE. Tyler is currently in St. Petersburg, Russia improving his Russian and taking courses on history, politics and culture. After graduation Tyler plans to pursue a career in Foreign Service. Continue reading…
The Office of Graduate Studies seeks highly motivated student workers to serve as classroom consultants during the Institute for International Teaching Assistants, July 23-August 7. Work hours are Monday through Friday for approximately 15-20 hours per week. Salary is $9.00 per hour. Continue reading…
Fall Course: Region (Latin America) OR Theme (Identity, Culture & Society)
Need a Region course in Latin America or a Theme course in Identity, Culture & Society consider taking "Repeating Islands: Caribbean Culture and Literature Across Languages (MODL 498). Taught by Dr. Julia Frengs on Wednesdays, 5-7PM in Oldfather 307. Continue reading…
Fall Course: Region (Europe) OR Theme (Identity, Culture & Society)
Need a Region: Europe OR Theme: Identity, Culture & Society course this fall? Consider taking RUSS 482: Russian Folklore with Dr. Olha Tytraenko on M/W/F 3:30-4:20PM. This is a unique opportunity to learn about folk mythology, fairy tales and folktales while learning about Russian culture. Continue reading…