Inside SNR | Kilic lands on science team; Hayes honored

NASA, USGS picks Kilic for Landsat team

Ayse KilicAyse Kilic, a UNL faculty member at the School of Natural Resources and in the Department of Civil Engineering, will serve a five-year term on a NASA satellite project, using imagery and data to help track water in the air, in the ground and in plants. Continue reading…


Hayes to receive Omtvedt Award

NDMC director Michael Hayes during a meeting in August 2012. (File Photo)Michael Hayes and the NDMC at the School of Natural Resources, will be presented "Omtvedt Innovation Award" later this week in recognition their exceptional service at the University of Nebraska and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Continue reading…


Master Naturalist, Crane Trust make partnership

owl2012_156.pngNebraska Master Naturalist is pleased to welcome the Crane Trust Nature & Visitors Center to the team. Certified Master Naturalist (2011) Matt Jones will serve as the Master Naturalist Training Coordinator and will be located at the Crane Trust Nature & Visitors Center near Alda, Neb. Continue reading…


Tips, tricks & other helpful hints: Mail Merge

Karen Jensen—software users group coordinator at SNR—regularly shares quick tips and tricks designed to make life a little easier for faculty, staff and students using Microsoft system software, such as Outlook and Office.
This Week: Bringing together Outlook, Word and Excel. Continue reading…

Originally published January 14, 2013 - Submit an Item