Inside the School of Natural Resources

Trenton Franz (far right) and his two student workers, William Avery and Catie Finkenbiner, with the new cosmic-ray sensor. (Mekita Rivas | Natural Resources)
Trenton Franz (far right) and his two student workers, William Avery and Catie Finkenbiner, with the new cosmic-ray sensor. (Mekita Rivas | Natural Resources)

Franz engages students with new cosmic-ray sensor

A new cosmic-ray sensor (CRS) in Trenton Franz's lab could lead to some exciting revelations in water management. "This data, combined with remote sensing products, will be very beneficial for helping trigger irrigation at optimal times and in optimal amounts," said Franz, SNR assistant professor. Continue reading…

The opening ceremony for the workshop with the Minister of National Integration. Wilhite's keynote followed this opening. (Photo courtesy Don Wilhite)
The opening ceremony for the workshop with the Minister of National Integration. Wilhite's keynote followed this opening. (Photo courtesy Don Wilhite)

Wilhite delivers keynote presentation in Brazil

Don Wilhite, climatologist and professor, delivered the keynote presentation at the High-level Workshop on Drought Policies on May 16 in Fortaleza, Brazil. The workshop was organized as part of the program of the Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference. Continue reading…

On April 5, the NU Board of Regents that it will receive a grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust for the Nebraska Master Naturalist Program's statewide expansion and specialized training in habitat management.
On April 5, the NU Board of Regents that it will receive a grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust for the Nebraska Master Naturalist Program's statewide expansion and specialized training in habitat management.

Master Naturalist Program receives NE Environmental Trust grant

On April 5, the NU Board of Regents announced that it will receive a grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust for the Nebraska Master Naturalist Program's statewide expansion and specialized training in habitat management.
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The Grammar Guru thinks you can never reach the peak of grammar knowledge -- there's always more to learn!
The Grammar Guru thinks you can never reach the peak of grammar knowledge -- there's always more to learn!

The Grammar Guru: Peek, peak & pique

Does grammar pique your interest? Do you think you've reached the peak of grammar knowledge? Take a peek at this week's Grammar Guru tip to find out! Continue reading…

Originally published May 19, 2014 - Submit an Item