From left, Zoe Fischer, Emmalyn Smith, 3, and Vicki Cotton, all of Lincoln, participate in the How Well Do You Know Your World booth at the 16th annual Weatherfest and Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium on Saturday, April 16, 2016, at Hardin Hall on
We hope you'll take a moment to read through SNR's alumni newsletter. Whether you were part of one of our many academic programs or are simply a natural resources enthusiast, we invite you to get up to speed on SNR happenings and to share your news and updates with us.
More details at: http://go.unContinue reading…
The past year has been an exciting time in SNR with changes occurring at what seems to be an ever-quickening pace. The changes here have been good ones with consistent support from the university and state. For those who follow higher education, we are definitely in a good place here in Nebraska. Continue reading…
NDMC director Mike Hayes (left) and NDMC founder Don Wilhite (right) talk with Sen. Ken Haar during the center's 20th anniversary celebration on Friday at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum.
The National Drought Mitigation Center celebrated its 20th anniversary April 20, 2016, at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum.
NDMC Founder Don Wilhite, current Director Mike Hayes, and the nearly 20 center faculty and staff, welcomed dozens to the event with hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Continue reading…
In January, Zink became one of the newest faculty members to join the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He brings more than 40 years teaching and research experience with him and will utilize his skills with the SNR, SBS and the State Museum. Continue reading…
In 1976, Ron Block left the East Coast to pursue his graduate studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It didn't take long for him to become fully entrenched in life as a Cornhusker. "This was a transcendent time of my life," he said. ""I totally bought into Husker Culture." Continue reading…
Walter Bagley of Lincoln passed away Feb. 29, 2016. He and his wife, Virginia, established Prairie Pines, a site devoted to wildlife habitat, education and research guided by the University of Nebraska and the Prairie Pines Pals nonprofit. Continue reading…
The 3rd annual SNR Elevator Speech Contest took place at 7 p.m., February 25th in the Hardin Hall auditorium with students competing for cash prizes of $5,600. Continue reading…
Greetings alumni and friends of SNR! Nearly 50 people have joined the ranks of SNR alumni in the past few weeks. We so enjoy hearing about all the things you are doing and the impacts you are having. Continue reading…
Claudia Carrillo (left) and Paula Carrillo learn about drought from Jake Petr, senior meteorology student at the School of Natural Resources, at the 16th annual Weatherfest and Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium on Saturday, April 16, 2016, at Hardin
Hardin Hall was packed April 16, 2016, with weather enthusiasts of all ages for the 16th annual Weatherfest and Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium.
The first and second floors of Hardin Hall were filled with dozens of booths where participants learned about all aspects of weather. Continue reading…
Dr. Karl Reinhard earned the Eve Cockburn Mentorship Award from the Paleopathology Association, after being nominated by nine of his current and former students for always going above and beyond to help students. Continue reading…
Caitlin Miller, SNR alumni, along with George Pagano, UNL alum, completed a 3,000 rowing challenge across the Atlantic in 58 days, five hours and six minutes, the youngest team to ever finish the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. Continue reading…
I’m Shawna Richter-Ryerson, and I’m the new communications associate for the School of Natural Resources, NDMC and NSCO. I’m a person driven by curiosity and an insatiable desire to learn, so I’m looking forward to the depth and breadth of SNR. Continue reading…
The Fishes of Nebraska is for every student of fishes on the Great Plains of North America. Detailed illustrations, keys and species accounts introduce characteristics to identify each fish in the state. This will become your go-to guide to catch the big one. Continue reading…
Students from the Nebraska Center for the Education of Children Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired school in Nebraska City used specially created drawings to find and identify the fossil mosaics in the Nebraska Capitol in April 2016. (Shawna Richter-Ryer
A teenager sits with a piece of paper in his lap, his fingers reading the translated content of “Fossils on the Floor,” by Bob Diffendal, emeritus professor in the survey division of SNR. The teenager is visually impaired, but he's seeing the fossils in the Nebraska Capitol floor mosaics. Continue reading…