The University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business Administration will hold its third GMAT Strategy Workshop on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. This workshop is designed for those interested in learning strategies and approaches for taking the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), which measures verbal, mathematical and analytical writing skills for graduate admission. The UNL GMAT Strategy Workshop will be led by Stephanie Espy, founder and president of MathSP: Strategies and Problem-solving.
“We encourage students who are interested in taking the GMAT to attend this workshop. The workshop will help them form a personal plan to help them conquer the GMAT,” said Kerri Hiatt, MBA adviser and online MBA coordinator. “Stephanie goes through each component of the test, has you work through sample questions and guides you through the answers. She also provides test-taking tips and strategies.”
Those interested in jumpstarting their GMAT prep are invited to register for the UNL GMAT Strategy Workshop at http://mba.unl.edu/gmat by Friday, Feb. 14. The registration fee is $50 and includes a continental breakfast and a comprehensive GMAT information packet. You are required to have the 13th edition of The Official Guide for GMAT Review at the workshop. You can bring your own copy or advance purchase the book from CBA for an additional $32.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. in room 104 of the College of Business Administration. Registrants are encouraged to park in the parking garage at 11th and Q streets and dress in casual attire. If you have questions, please call the staff in the Office of Graduate Programs at 402-472-2338.
An official score on the GMAT is one of the admissions requirements for the UNL College of Business Administration master’s and doctoral programs including the Master of Business Administration. The UNL MBA is designed for students with a bachelor’s degree in any field and offers ultimate flexibility with on-campus and distance options. The UNL MBA is ranked sixth overall in the 2014 U.S. News & World Report Best Online Graduate Business Programs released Jan. 8.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/bz4k