Agronomy and Horticulture Student Spotlight

Noah Stone was an operations intern this summer at 81-20 Central Valley Ag near Randolph, Nebraska.
Noah Stone was an operations intern this summer at 81-20 Central Valley Ag near Randolph, Nebraska.

Agronomy and Horticulture Student Spotlight
Noah Stone, Sophomore Agronomy Major from Coleridge, Nebraska

Why did you choose Agronomy?
I grew up in a farming family raising corn and soybeans, and at a young age, I developed a passion for crops that I have worked on ever since.

Why did you choose the University of Nebraska–Lincoln?
I chose UNL because I had always dreamed of being a Husker, and UNL has one of the best agronomy programs in the nation.

How do you stay involved in college?
I am currently the vice treasurer of the Agronomy Club and an active member of Husker Bass Anglers. I am also involved in a few other university activities.

Did you intern anywhere this past year?
I was employed as an operations intern at Central Valley Ag near Randolph, Nebraska. It's called 81-20 as it's right next to the intersection of two major highways.

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