New this Year! 4-H'ers Nominate Exhibits for State Fair Premier Science Award

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New this year, the State Fair Premier Science Award will not be selected by judges at county fairs, but submitted by 4-H’ers via an application process.

4-H’ers may select ONE exhibit from any static exhibit project entered at a county fair selected by judges for the State Fair and complete an awards application. Exhibit must relate to the scientific method or engineering design process while completing the exhibit. The application form will be at and is due by Monday, Aug. 19. Include a photograph of the exhibit, which will not be used in judging, but is needed if the exhibit needs to be located in the exhibit hall.

• Entries are only judged on the information included in the application.
• Exhibits which do not have a completed application or photograph may be disqualified at the discretion of the judge.
• Participants will be scored on how well they communicate their use of the scientific method or engineering design process while completing their exhibit.
• An exhibit involving a science topic does not necessarily qualify it to be the best choice for this award.
• The award application and the exhibit must both be at State Fair. If application form is not attached to the exhibit, it will be disqualified.

More information may be found at