Today@UNL | Engineering grad students win competition; Fall enrollment figures released

From left: Joe Bartels of Wauneta, Jack Mondry of Orlando, Fla., Eric Markvicka of Ravenna and Tom Frederick of Omaha.
From left: Joe Bartels of Wauneta, Jack Mondry of Orlando, Fla., Eric Markvicka of Ravenna and Tom Frederick of Omaha.

UNL engineering grad students win national competition

A team of graduate students from UNL's Surgical Robotics Lab won first place in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' 2012 Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition, Graduate Student Robotics category, with their project, "Miniature In Vivo Surgical Robot for Single-Incision Surgery." Continue reading…


NU ranks 20th in licensing revenue

NUtech_V_single_Pantone.jpgThe University of Nebraska ranked 20th among U.S. universities in revenue generated from licensing activity for university-developed inventions and technologies in 2011, according to the annual survey of 157 universities by the Association of University Technology Managers. Continue reading…


September financial counseling offered

Individual financial counseling will be offered to faculty and staff in September. TIAA-CREF sessions are at Wick Alumni Center Sept. 20, 25, 27 and at the East Campus Union Sept. 13, 20 and 26. A Fidelity consultant will be at the Nebraska Union Sept. 12 and 27 and East Campus today and Sept. 20. Continue reading…


'Allow Me to Introduce Myself...' is Sept. 5

Allow Me to Introduce open to all studentsThe Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services invites all students to network with UNL faculty and staff at "Allow Me to Introduce Myself..." from 4 to 5 p.m. Sept. 5 in the Nebraska Union Regency Room. Students can learn about all the campus resources to help make them a success.

More details at:
Originally published September 5, 2012 - Submit an Item