Today@UNL | Gift fuels Carson Theater renovation; Robertson, Mahlock retirement receptions are April 30

UNL dance students perform in the Johnny Carson Theater as part of the April 26 renovation announcement. (Troy Fedderson, University Communications)
UNL dance students perform in the Johnny Carson Theater as part of the April 26 renovation announcement. (Troy Fedderson, University Communications)

Gift sets Johnny Carson Theater renovation

The Johnny Carson Theater is getting a $571,500 facelift. The renovation, made possible with a gift from the John W. Carson Foundation, was announced April 26. The project will include a complete redesign of the theater's entrance and lobby and a new performance floor. Continue reading…


Robertson's retirement reception is April 30

Brian RobertsonA retirement reception for Brian Robertson, professor of mechanical and materials engineering, is 3 p.m. April 30 in W342 Nebraska Hall. Robertson established and has led UNL's central facility for electron microscopy, which is part of the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience. Continue reading…


Quilt museum earns accreditation

20090414quiltcenter.jpgThe International Quilt Study Center and Museum has achieved accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums, the highest national recognition for a museum. Accreditation signifies excellence to the museum community, to governments, funders, outside agencies and to the museum-going public. Continue reading…

Originally published April 29, 2013 - Submit an Item