Finish Strong, Huskers!
Take care of yourself as you tackle those last projects and tests.
Take care of yourself as you tackle those last projects and tests.
Academic Dates dates may be found at: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar
Academic advisors and navigators are available throughout the summer, Monday-Friday. Schedule a meeting at http://go.unl.edu/BizAdvising. Limited drop-ins are available as well.
The School of Accountancy is offering ACCT 313 - Intermediate Accounting I online this summer from June 10 – July 12 (first five-week session). Previously, this class was listed as an in-person course.
Are you interested in the components of the selling process? Would you like to learn more about developing a written selling plan and gain experience in the selling process through role-play exercises? Sign up for MRKT 257!
MNGT 411 - Philanthropy and Leadership
To register for the popular Philanthropy and leadership class that includes the hands-on philanthropic project Strive to Thrive Lincoln, fill out the form at https://go.unl.edu/MNGT411 to learn more and get a code to register for the course.
*SCMA 453 - Machine Learning Applications for Business Analytics
Provides an overview of machine learning and data mining for business applications. Describes in non-technical terms the methodologies behind the statistical and artificial intelligence-based tools commonly used in business data mining. *Re-add to shopping cart if you previously added SCMA 391*
ENTR 322 - Family Business
Are you part of a family business? Do you plan to join a family business? Take this class to learn more about the opportunities and challenges that are distinctive to family businesses. Get your permission code here: https://go.unl.edu/entr322
MRKT 490 - Special Topics in Marketing
Union Pacific Railroad (UP) and the Marketing Department is offering for fall 2024, Marketing 490, Union Pacific Applied Projects Class. You will be working with managers at UP on three different business projects. Contact Rob Simon at rsimon2@unl.edu for the application form.
FINA 361A - Finance
Interested in Finance? Start finance a semester early if you have a 3.25 GPA and ACCT 201, ECON 211, ECON 215, MATH 104/106. This Excel-based course utilizes the financial modelling software, Wall Street Prep.
FINA 464 - Investors with Purpose
The Finance Department is accepting applications for the 4th edition of FINA 464, Investors with Purpose. You can find the application at: https://business.unl.edu/investorswithpurpose
Are you still looking for a summer class? BSAD 420 Global Leadership and the Culture Map is still available! Offered in the 3-week session, this course could be the one for you. Visit with your advisor to find out if it could fulfill your ACE 9, IBCR, 300/400 elective another requirement.
Are you a marketing major and graduating soon? There is still room in the summer and fall sections of MRKT 442 Marketing Management. This capstone course for marketing majors is offered during 2nd 5-week in the summer as well as fall. Prereqs: MRKT 341; MRKT 345 or 350; AND 6 hours of MRKT electives
The College of Business honors the outstanding achievements and services of its faculty and staff annually. Recipients are formally recognized annually at an event in the spring. Nominate your Favorite Professor and Staff for CoB Awards at http://business.unl.edu/nominate.
Mark your calendars for the College of Business Back to School Bash on Thursday August 22 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.!
Learn about international business and management, visit companies and experience culture in Asia-Pacific region. Spend time in Sydney, Cairns, the Great Barrier Reef & New Zealand! Apply by September 8, visit http://business.unl.edu/studyabroad for more information. Continue reading…
More details at: https://unl-global-experiences.via-trm.com/program_brochure/19183/Recent Newsletters