Academic Calendar
Academic Dates dates may be found at: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar
Academic Dates dates may be found at: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar
Manage risk and its financial consequences with strong analytical skills. work in insurance, hospitals, banks & more.
Delve into several disciplines to create a personalized degree. Develope a range of business skills to unlock limitless options!
Classes are available to view and you can see you priority date/time assignment in MyRED
Oct. 28-30: Seniors enroll
Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 4: Juniors enroll
Nov. 5-7: Sophomores enroll
Nov. 8, 11-12: First year students enroll
January 2-17: Spring 3-week pre-session
January 21: Regular spring semester starts
Schedule with an academic advisor to discuss degree and academic planning – go.unl.edu/BizAdvising
Keep scrolling for a few course highlights - ENTR 425 Franchising, MNGT 411 Philanthropy and Leadership, MNGT 342 Intro to Sports Management, MRKT 490 Special Projects with Ameritas
BSAD 391 - R: Learn the popular programming language for analyzing data. No experience with R needed.
SCMA 391 - The Role of Business in Sustainability: Analyze real-world examples of sustainable business practices.
Do you want to make an impact in the community and award real money to a local nonprofit? You are looking for MNGT 411 Philanthropy and Leadership. Get a code to register for the Spring 2025 class at http://go.unl.edu/mngt411
Solve real HR challenges for a local organization with real data! You'll learn statistical techniques often used to interpret HR-relevant organizational situations and communicate empirically-based solutions to decision makers.
Intro to Sports Management is back! Do you have sophomore standing and MNGT 301? Learn the sports industry and the factors that make it unique to other industries. You will hear from guest speakers and complete a project to solve a real sports problem.
Have you considered a franchise? What is a franchise? How does it differ from the traditional business model? Answer these questions and more through traditional lectures and many guest speakers. *This course is only offered in the spring so plan accordingly.
No books or tests in this class! Work on real projects with the Ameritas innovation hub, all during class time! Email rsimon2@unl.edu to apply for MRKT 490: Ameritas Special Projects (3 credits) with built-in internship experience on Wednesday mornings 8-10:50 a.m. Open to all majors.
Watch for these events and more during B-Week... Continue reading…
More details at: http://business.unl.edu/bweekInternship Insights will be held on Wednesday October 9 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Atrium. Email nebraskacobsab@gmail.com for more information!
Meet potential mentors or coaches, build meaningful connections, and explore entrepreneurial career paths at the Mentorship Roundtable on Wednesday October 9 from 5-7 p.m. in the Atrium.
This event is open to all UNL students
Pride in the Workplace, held Wednesday, Oct. 9, 5-8 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center, is a free event featuring an inspiring lineup of speakers from diverse industries, including queer entrepreneurs, artists, STEM professionals, business leaders and more. Continue reading…
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/pride_workplaceNebraska Law Admissions Specialists will be on site at the College of Business and available for in-person 30-minute pre-law advising appointments on Tuesday, November 19th. Time slots are between 11:30 and 2:30. Click the link below to register.
More details at: https://outlook.office365.com/book/CollegeofBusinessAdvising@bookings.unl.edu/Learn more about the Japan Study Abroad opportunities, enjoy free refreshments and swag, and bring your questions to DIGS on Tuesday October 15 from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Exploring legal careers with Nebraska Law Alumni on Tuesday October 15 at 3:30 p.m. in Chimney Rock Room at the Nebraska Union. Register with the link below. Continue reading…
More details at: https://law.unl.edu/law-degrees-action/Learn about the new Business Analytics Major at the Supply Chain Management and Analytics Open house on Wednesday October 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the catwalk outside HLH 511. Get to know your professors and learn about the Nebraska Supply Chain Club!
Attend an info session on Thursday October 17 from 4-5 p.m. in HLH 111 to learn more about the versatility, career opportunities and curriculum of the BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS majors. Snack will be served!
Team competitions are open to all UNL undergraduate students, and prizes are up to $3,000! Sign up by Friday October 18 with the link below!
More details at: http://business.unl.edu/UNLTenaskaChallengeCongressman Mike Flood’s office will host the 2nd national Flyover Fintech Conference at Nebraska Innovation Campus conference center on Monday, October 21. Congressman Flood has extended free registration for NU students, which is not available on the conference website, by filling out the form:
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/flyoverThis event is a great opportunity to network with local employers in the advertising, communication, and design industries on Wednesday October 30 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Heritage Room Continue reading…
More details at: https://unl.joinhandshake.com/stu/events/1608714
As a member, you will have the opportunity to meet with the Dean to voice your thoughts and ideas as a business student, market, plan, and host exciting events and giveaways for fellow students and drive real change within the College of Business!
The application deadline is 11:59 PM on October 31. Continue reading…
Log into your MyRed account and check your messages for the 2025-2026 scholarship application. All students are encouraged to apply!
The NE Chamber is also proud to honor those deserving young adults that will be the business leaders of the future. Each year, students who meet the established criteria will be awarded scholarship assistance. Click the link below to access the application! The deadline to apply is November 15, 2024
More details at: http://nechamber.com/Nebraska-business-hall-of-fame-scholarship-program.htmlThe Teaching and Learning Center offers free individual tutoring for Business classes! visit the link below for more information and schedule an appointment.
More details at: http://business.unl.edu/tutorThe College of Business is partnering with Forté Foundation to provide students with even more opportunities for networking, professional development, and ways to explore career options. A Forté student membership is FREE for all undergrads. Continue reading…
Campus NightLife hosts free, late-night programs that promote diverse social connections, student engagement, and campus-wide inclusiveness. We offer unique entertainment that evolves with the ever-changing student body and campus community. Continue reading…
More details at: https://forms.gle/DEQSoeLe32f3iScF7Recent Newsletters