Happy Spring Break Huskers!
Have a great break!
Have a great break!
Academic Dates dates may be found at: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar
Not only can you enroll in summer classes, you can also see the fall schedule and starting adding classes to your shopping cart. Visit with an advisor to discuss your options. Schedule at https://unlincoln.my.site.com/SSH.
If you haven’t taken these courses yet, there are extra offerings for you! Take these this fall so that you don’t get behind. Advisors can answer your questions.
BSAD 220 Business Writing
BSAD 222 Career Development and Planning
BSAD 50 Business Computer Applications
SCMA 250 Spreadsheet Analytics
CoB has made changes to many course prerequisites. You will start seeing a MNGT 101 prerequisite on courses but this does not apply to you. Other courses now available to you sooner! These include:
ACCT 201 Introductory Acct I (no longer need a 2.5 GPA)
ACCT 202 Introductory Acct II (no longer need a 2.5 GPA)
ACCT 313 Intermediate Acct I (no longer need ACCT 202; need C or better in ACCT 201)
MNGT 301 - open to all if you’ve taken 12 hours
BLAW 371 – CoB major, 2.5 GPA, BSAD 220, BSAD 333
MRKT 341 - CoB Major, 2.5 GPA, SO standing, BSAD 220, ECON 211, ECON 212
FINA 361 - CoB Major, 2.5 GPA, BSAD 222, MATH 104, SCMA 250 or concurrent, ECON 215, ACCT 201, ECON 211
SCMA 331 –CoB Major, 2.5 GPA, BSAD 222, MATH 104, SCMA 250, ECON 215 (or concurrent)
SCMA 335 - CoB Major, 2.5 GPA, MATH 104, SCMA 250
SCMA 350 - CoB Major, 2.5 GPA, BSAD 220, MATH 104, BSAD 50, SCMA 250, ECON 215
Check out these new or returning courses:
ECON 435 Applied Game Theory
ECON 452 Economics of Education
FINA 361A Finance
FINA 420 Retirement and Employee Benefit Plans
FINA 465 Bank Management
MNGT 412 Negotiating and Conflict Management
MNGT 413 Building Ethical and Sustainable Organizations
MRKT 458 Sales Force Management
Applications are open for the 2025 Homecoming Royalty. Apply by March 26 at the link below!
More details at: https://homecoming.unl.edu/royalty-court/apply-2025-royalty/
Apply by April 14 for this free professional experience, problem solving and innovating for Ameritas leaders. Meets one Friday a month September through May.
Try out this new 1 credit course this spring semester - earn 1 credit over 3 weeks. BSAD 261: Applied Improv for Business Leaders teaches you to increase your listening and collaboration skills, foster trust and innovation, and adapt in the moment- crucial skills all employers seek!
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/improvChallenge yourself and add to your resume. No books or tests required, bring your skills and knowledge. The Marketing Department is offering the Union Pacific Applied Business Projects Class, Marketing 490 for Fall 2025. The class will work with Union Pacific, a Fortune 150 company headquartered Continue reading…
The Nebraska Entrepreneurship Accelerator offers a unique combination of resources, experts and programming that leads to a supportive environment filled with exclusive opportunities to build a business and valuable connections to support your leadership and entrepreneurial journey. Continue reading…
The Teaching and Learning Center offers free individual tutoring for Business classes and MATH 104! visit the link below for more information and schedule an appointment.
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/tutorCareer Closet will be open Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in HLH 102. The free professional dress items are available for all UNL Students.
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/closetThe College of Business has student organizations related to majors, social interests and leadership. These organizations provide opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and networking that can significantly enhance your college experience. Continue reading…
More details at: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/The Department of Statistics Consulting Lab will be holding weekly workshops in Spring 2025 for anyone wanting to brush up on their statistical skills. Workshops are designed for all audiences - no prior statistics background needed to attend! Continue reading…
More details at: https://statistics.unl.edu/sc3l-workshops/Recent Newsletters