University offices are open the week of December 18-22 if you need assistance. Offices will be closed December 25 to January 1, and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2. Spring semester classes begin Monday, January 8. Continue reading…
The university's Education Abroad scholarship application deadlines have changed this year. Check out the new deadlines if you plan to study abroad! Continue reading…
Bring your enthusiasm and skills to the 48-Hour Challenge.
Work with a team to develop a business idea in 48 hours. The Start Something 48-Hour Challenge begins January 26 at 5:30 p.m. The $10 entry fee includes meals, a t-shirt and prizes! Continue reading…
Beyond School Bells and Nebraska Innovation Studio are seeking four ELO Innovation Fellows to bring new energy into Nebraska's after-school and summer programs. Applications are due January 15. Continue reading…
Tag your photos on Instagram and Twitter with #NUBiz to be featured next week.