First Generation Career Meet Up
Thursday, Oct. 7, 4 -5:30 PM | Centennial Room, Nebraska Union
First Gen students have the opportunity to connect with and learn from professionals in fields of interest and gain insight on those career fields, make valuable connections with First Gen professionals.
Pride in the Workplace
Thursday, Oct. 15 4 - 5:30 PM
LGBTQA+ students and allies, who champion inclusion in the workplace, are invited for a time of networking and dialogue with companies taking strides to foster diversity.
All are welcome to celebrate the DIGS Grand Opening on Friday, October 1, 11:30 a.m. in the Welcome Center (northwest entrance). The Diversity and Inclusion Gathering Space is a hub for conversation, inclusive programs and gatherings to help people feel they belong. Refreshments will be served. Continue reading…
Even in a pandemic, Forté’s mission of #MoreWomenLeading remains the same. Invest in your future self by attending Forté's upcoming virtual Fall College Conferences! Read this article for more information on the conferences and how to sign up! Continue reading…
Interested in Law and Business or on the Pre-Law track? Check out the University Explore Center's upcoming Pre-Law workshops and opportunities. Continue reading…
Apply to ThinkChicago Homecoming and take a behind the scenes tour of Chicago's thriving tech and innovation sector. Network and share your resume with 30+ recruiting company partners. Continue reading…
Applications are open for the Yeutter Student Scholar Award and the Washington International Trade Association Summer 2022 Internship. These awards aim to support access to internships in international trade and to and to provide students with valuable exposure to and experience with trade policy. Continue reading…
Come chat about any career-related topics today! Our Career Coaches are available for in-person and virtual one-on-one scheduled appointments. Continue reading…