Summer Break
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Maximize Your Summer Break
1. Identify your career goals and interests.
2. Enhance your LinkedIn profile.
3. Update your resume.
4. Research companies that interest you.
5. Research job and internship postings on Handshake.
6. Volunteer in your community.
7. Learn a new technical skill to enhance your skill set and resume.
8. Review your fall semester classes and read their syllabi.
9. Apply for scholarships and internships.
10. Attend networking events- both virtually and in-person.
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Add a Technical Skill Over Break
Are you planning to search for an internship or job soon? Leverage your extra time over summer break to add a technical skill to your resume and set yourself apart from the competition. Continue reading…
Upgrade Your Summer Job with Jobcrafting
Whether you are a lifeguard, lawn care worker, nanny, fast food worker, or manual laborer this summer, you can take steps to craft your summer job in a way that will springboard you into your next role. Read on for three ways to jobcraft this summer! Continue reading…
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Summer 2023 FBI Collegiate Academy | Apply by Friday, June 16
The FBI Omaha Field Office, which covers Nebraska and Iowa, is pleased to welcome students to its Summer 2023 FBI Collegiate Academy. This program takes college students behind the scenes of local FBI operations and facilitates proactive recruitment for people of all backgrounds and demographics. Continue reading…
More details at: http://www.OmahaApplicants@fbi.govRed divider bar to separate text
Career Success Awaits: Meet with a Career Coach Today
Whether you’re exploring career paths, refining your résumé, gearing up for an interview, negotiating your salary, or applying for graduate school, our career coaches are here to guide you through every step of your career. Continue reading…
More details at: Career Center
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