Business Career Center

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What I Wish I Knew As A Student Looking For An Internship In College

Looking for an Internship?The Business Career Center has so many resources that can help you land your dream job. You can meet with a career coach, explore different majors and career paths to find the right fit for you. They will help with resumes, cover letters, practice interviews, connecting you with employers and so much more. Continue reading…

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It's Not Too Late to Find an Internship!

It's Not Too Late to Find an Internship! As the sun starts to shine and you can finally relax a bit, you might think it is too late to find an internship. Not true!  There are still hundreds of internships listed in Handshake covering a wide range of roles and industries. And internships continue to be added daily as employers may not have participated in their traditional college recruiting and are now able to hire interns. Continue reading…

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Originally published April 26, 2024 - Submit an Item