Remember, networking is about building mutually beneficial connections. With effort, you can create a network that supports your professional goals. Continue reading…
Employers participate in this program so they can share information about their organization with you, learn more about you, and build a relationship with you! Continue reading…
February 20 -22 | New York City | APPLY BY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1st
Featuring Interactive Finance Simulations, Leadership Workshops, Networking Event and Career Expo. Watch info video and apply by Sunday, December 1. Continue reading…
We are pleased to announce a new undergraduate research program! The Aligning STEM Trainees for Enterprising Research (ASTER) program is designed to grow and diversify the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce at participating institutions in Kansas and Nebraska. Continue reading…
Business students in their first year to junior years can explore career paths and industries through one-on-one interactions with an employer through the Business in Action Job Shadow Program. Check the website for participating employers and a description of their shadowing experience. Continue reading…
Whether you’re exploring career paths, refining your résumé, gearing up for an interview, negotiating your salary, or applying for graduate school, our career coaches are here to guide you through every step of your career. Continue reading…