Business Career Center - UGrad

School Supply Drive
School Supply Drive

School Supply Drive

Help Lincoln children and teens have supplies they need to succeed in school. Donate Supplies from Nov. 5 - 16. Organized by students in MNGT 411 to benefit the Salvation Army.

Suitcase to Briefcase
Suitcase to Briefcase

From Suitcase to Briefcase: Selling Your Study Abroad Experience to Employers

So you’ve been abroad – but now what? In this come and go session, talk with Career professionals on how to talk about your experience abroad. Bring a copy of your resume, a sample cover letter, even your interview skills and see how you can set yourself apart from the crowd with your experience.

Global Opportunities Fair
Global Opportunities Fair

Global Opportunities Fair

This event provides the opportunity for globally-minded students to explore options available in Nebraska and beyond, both now and post-graduation. The fair will feature businesses and non-profit organizations, as well as education abroad programs.

Handshake Jobs - Nov.9
Handshake Jobs - Nov.9

New Handshake Job Postings

Students, log onto Handshake to view new job postings.
These Full-Time and Internship positions were posted this past week. Search them on your Handshake account to apply or learn more information about.

More details at:
Intern & Research Abroad Panel
Intern & Research Abroad Panel

Intern & Research Abroad Panel

Join us as #HuskersAbroad student alumni share their stories of gaining internship and research experience abroad! Wednesday, November 14th in the Crib on the 1st floor of the City Campus Union | Internships Panel: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm | Research Panel: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Originally published November 12, 2018 - Submit an Item