Agronomy and Horticulture

  Roger Elmore — Photo by Greg Nathan | University Communication
Roger Elmore — Photo by Greg Nathan | University Communication

Elmore to retire, reception is June 28

A retirement reception for Roger Elmore, professor of agronomy and horticulture, is from 1 to 2:30 p.m. June 28 at the Goodding Learning Center, 280 Plant Sciences Hall, East Campus. Cake will be served and a program will begin at 1:30 p.m. Friends and colleagues may sign an online guest book. Continue reading…

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers (from left) Caleb Roberts, Craig Allen and Dirac Twidwell have found evidence that multiple ecosystems in the U.S. Great Plains have moved substantially northward during the past 50 years.  Craig Chandler | UComm
University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers (from left) Caleb Roberts, Craig Allen and Dirac Twidwell have found evidence that multiple ecosystems in the U.S. Great Plains have moved substantially northward during the past 50 years. Craig Chandler | UComm

Analysis finds U.S. ecosystems shifting hundreds of miles north

Whole ecosystems are shifting dramatically north in the Great Plains, a phenomenon likely linked to human influences such as climate change, says new University of Nebraska-Lincoln research that analyzed nearly 50 years’ worth of data on bird distributions. Continue reading…

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Originally published June 28, 2019 - Submit an Item