In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Assistant Professor Dr. Richard Wood assessed various wind-damaged structures and sites along the gulf coast of Texas. Continue reading…
Established in 1989, the program develops the academic leadership and managerial skills of nominated faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and academic promise.
This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how environmental exposures to
physical, chemical and biological hazards influence human health.
This course is listed as NRES 330 or NUTR 330 and satisfies ACE 8.
BIO Nebraska is hosting a Women in STEM luncheon and discussion. Nebraska Women in STEM support and encourage women in every field of science and technology, including entrepreneurs, industrial scientists, government and academic researchers, engineers and STEM educators.
The experience of being boxed-in by social categories is all too common. Beyond the labels that divide "Us" from "Them" there is a "We" who have a lot in common. This UnBoxing event will help us to see that "We".