Two big questions weigh on ranchers’ minds every year, but especially during droughts: When is the moisture going to come, and how much?
Drought response planning is standard operating procedure for ranchers in the Panhandle, where drought is a normal part of the climate. But it’s more importan Continue reading…
Drought generates increased poisoning risks for livestock due to reduced availability, timing shifts, and physiological changes in the desired forages on rangelands and pastures.
Livestock under normal conditions are fairly adep Continue reading…
You received some moisture in the last several weeks – maybe rain, snow, or even ice. When it warms up, grass will turn green. So is the drought over? If you think so, or act like it’s over, you could have trouble ahead.
Recent moisture certai Continue reading…
Horn and stable flies are common pests. The warm weather will cause flies to hatch early, so now is the time to start thinking about control. Controlling flies before they are a problem (early in the season) will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Dave Boxler, UNL Extension, has been conduc Continue reading…
The two most important components of a grazing lease agreement are stocking rate and lease rate.
Balancing the forage demanded by the animals with the amount of forage grown is the most important part of proper grazing management. Too much grazing pressure leads to decreased long-term forage produc Continue reading…