UNL BeefWatch July 2016

Marketing Calves - Already?

When evaluating whether to retain or sell calves, value of gain becomes an important factor.  Photo courtesy of Troy Walz.Now is the time to start thinking about marketing opportunities for calves this fall. While prices are well below what was received last year at this time, considerations can be given to the seasonal aspects of feeder cattle prices and the opportunities that may exist to utilize risk management too Continue reading…


Managing Windrow Disease in Alfalfa

The 'windrow disease' that often follows rained on windrows presents lingering problems.  Photo courtesy of Troy Walz.Rained-on hay plagues all of us eventually. This year maybe more than usual. The 'windrow disease' that often follows presents lingering problems.

Windrow disease — that’s the name I give to the striped appearance in fields where alfalfa windrows remained so long that regrowth was Continue reading…


Extreme Heat and the Livestock Indemnity Program

it is important producers diligently document and report their death losses for possible Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) payments. I  Photo courtesy of Troy Walz.With the extreme conditions we have been experiencing this summer, it is important producers diligently document and report their death losses for possible Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) payments. It is a good risk management practice to keep good records anyway but it is at times like these tha Continue reading…

Originally published July 1, 2016 - Submit an Item