CEHS/CYFS Research Seed Networking Session

Dear CEHS faculty:

Our next CEHS/CYFS Research Speed Networking session will focus on Social-Emotional Behavioral Health in the context of children, youth, families, schools, neighborhoods, communities, including policies that promote health in those populations. It will be held on March 6th from 12-1 pm in 144 Mabel Lee Hall on City Campus.

Please register at: https://unleducation.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b13aILH5jJCvnlb

As with the past sessions, we are thinking that any topic within this area is open for discussion. Because funding agencies seem to emphasize risk-taking approaches to challenging problems, these conversations could include thoughts about groundbreaking approaches. We invite participation by CEHS faculty who are currently doing work in this topic area or would like to explore this area.

Thanks to those of you who have participated in the first two successful sessions.

We hope to see you on March 6th!
Tori Molfese and Lisa Knoche

More details at: https://unleducation.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b13aILH5jJCvnlb