State Fair 2012

Friday marks the beginning of the 2012 Nebraska State Fair! UNL Extension and 4-H, as usual, will have a huge presence. While there are too many cool things to mention, you might want to check these out:

• An updated 4-H State Fair app is available for reviewing schedules, events and results. It is available for iPhones, iPads, and Droid phones. Check out the iTunes store or the Droid Market!

• And, while you're at it, check out State Fair's new app (it can help you find corn dogs and your car!) and live streaming of livestock shows via the State Fair website:

• The new 4-H event Interview Judging Contest, where participants are evaluated on how well they complete three steps of a job application for the fictitious jobs of veterinary assistant, 4-H camp counselor and political intern.

• The new Great Question Challenge, in partnership with the university’s Engler Entrepreneurship Program, in which youth answer a question how to reduce food waste.

Also, while you are at the Fair, take the time to ask a young person about their project. You may be amazed at what they have done and what they have learned. Because of the work of all of you throughout the year, the 4-H'ers participating make all of us proud. Enjoy the fair!

-- Kathleen Lodl