Men @ Nebraska Week 2015: Breaking Down Barriers

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Men @ Nebraska is collaborating with 13 campus organizations at UNL to offer a series of events that will be fun and engaging, but will also make you think about the issues and experiences of men, especially men in college. Men are all very diverse and we want to highlight the importance of appreciating the diversity among men and of challenging the dominant male gender roles imposed by society. A complete list of events being offered November 9-19 is available at
Men @ Nebraska (M@N) is a recognized student organization that works through the Women’s Center to expand the definitions of masculinity and explore the issues men experience at UNL and beyond. Open to people of all genders, the group meets weekly on Thursdays at 2 pm in 338 Nebraska Union. Students in M@N discuss the stereotypes about men and create programming to explore new definitions of healthy masculinities. For more information contact Felipe Longoria at or visit our Facebook page, Men@Nebraska.

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