Should your student go on a Spring Break trip?

Many parents do not want their students to go on a trip during Spring Break. Visions of alcohol-fuelled beach vacations come to mind for many. However, you should talk to your student about what they are thinking about doing for Spring Break; they may surprise you with their answer. There are more and more opportunities for students to go on an educational trip for their break, or your student may just want to relax at home. Remember, students will have been working hard all semester and will not have had a day off from classes since Martin Luther King Day. Many students simply desire to go home, see family, eat some home cooked food, and get some more sleep! Alternatively, your student may want to work more hours in an effort to save up some money for a goal. Maybe they need a new laptop or maybe they want to save up for a better Spring Break trip for next year or for travel during the summer.

If your student does want to travel, you could suggest locations other than the beach. Students can take road trips or get cheap flights to Kansas City, Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and other cities. Students can split costs with their friends which allows them to stay in nice hotels, save on gas, and get to know classmates better or reconnect with high school friends. There are many things to do in these nearby cities, such as sporting events, museums, area attractions, exploring new foods, going to concerts, and doing some light shopping.

If your student wants to go somewhere for Spring Break, make sure they have a budget. Vacation spending can easily get out of control. Encourage them to sit down and write out all of the expenses they will incur for a trip before they agree to go with their friends. Remind them to think about the cost of gas/flights, hotel, food, event admissions, shopping, transportation in the city, and souvenirs. It may turn out to be much more than the student can afford or want to spend.

No matter what your student decides, remember that the point of Spring Break is to take a break from school and rejuvenate in preparation for the end of the semester. Let your student choose how they want to spend their break. Students will probably have more time to travel now then they will after they graduate. It will not be long before your student will have a full-time job and will wish they had as many vacation days!

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