UPC Presents: Kevin Hines

Kevin Hines
Kevin Hines

In 2000, Kevin Hines leapt off the Golden Gate Bridge. This method of suicide has resulted in death for nearly 2000 people who have attempted that jump since the bridge was established in 1937. However, he survived. As Hines shares his story, he fosters a bridge of hope between life and death for people caught in the pain of living with serious mental illness, difficult life circumstances, and more.

Since the attempt, Hines has been awarded the The Clifford W. Beers Award by Mental Health America, the Lifetime Achievement Award, among others. Hines sits on the boards of the International Bipolar Foundation, the Mental Health Association of San Francisco and on the Survivors Committee of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. In 2013, Hines released his bestselling memoir, “Cracked Not Broken, Surviving and Thriving After A Suicide Attempt.”