Seminars This Week

Dr. Annika Walters will discuss “Resistance and Resilience of Aquatic Communities to Low Flow Disturbance" on Wednesday, Feb. 27
Dr. Annika Walters will discuss “Resistance and Resilience of Aquatic Communities to Low Flow Disturbance" on Wednesday, Feb. 27

The Water Seminar Series continues on Wednesday, February 27 at 3:30 p.m. in the Hardin Hall first floor auditorium.

Dr. Annika Walters, assistant leader for fisheries in the Wyoming Game and Fish Cooperative Unit and Assistant Professor at the University of Wyoming, will discuss “Resistance and Resilience of Aquatic Communities to Low Flow Disturbance.”

Dr. Walters’s research interests predominantly focus on disturbances that affect aquatic ecosystems, especially those involving fish that are of conservation concern.

For more information about the Water Seminar Series, check out:

The Geography General Seminar Series continues on Friday, March 1st at 2:00 p.m. in Hardin Hall 163.

Dr. J. Clark Archer will present a "Political-Geographical Interpretation of Recent Presidential Elections."

Dr. Archer is a professor of geography at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. His particular research interests follow political science, economics, demographics, cartography, and GIS as they affect the creation of atlases.

For more information about the Geography General Seminar, please visit: